Veeam Backup warning “Unable to truncate Microsoft SQL Server transaction logs.”
I had a customer that contacted me to day because he got a warning that Veeam Backup was "Unable to truncate Microsoft SQL Server transaction logs.Details: Failed to process 'TruncateSQLLog' command. Failed to truncate SQL server transaction logs for instances: BI See guest helper log." This normally means that the account used for Application Aware backup is not…
Microsoft Convenience Update and VMware VMXNET3 Incompatibilities
Microsoft has released a Convenience Patch, this is not compatible with VMXNET3 driver. This affects Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows 7. See more information here:
Veeam B&R SQL Log Shipping and Firewall Rules
I was looking at which ports that should be open in a Firewall, for SQL log Shipping to work, so I was looking at the "VM Guest OS Connection" section of the documentation: But that is not all that needs to be opened you also have to look at the "Backup Server Connections" section and…
Oracle licensing and support on VMware vSphere
As every one knows any good project get stopped by licensing. Oracle are up to there old tricks of trying to get more money or making virtual environment segmented (extra vCenter på Oracle hosts. staying on 5.5). It's properly the same with Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix XenServer. Before you just do as Oracle or there auditing partners says,…
vSphere 6.0 VMware Tools, and Localized Windows
I had a customer with a problem where he could not upgrade VMware Tools on a danish localized Windows Server 2008 R2. The solution was to change it to US localized and choose to copy the setting to: “Welcome screen and system accounts” and “New user accounts”. And after upgrading/installing VMware Tools change it back…
Microsoft SQL database restore with Veeam Backup & Replicator 8.0
There are some prerequisite that is need to be in place before you can do at restore of Microsoft SQL Server databases with Veeam, on the SQL server: TCP/IP enabled as SQL Server protocol enabled remote accesss to SQL Server SQL Server Browser Server enbled and running
Veeam and SQL Backup, Truncate Log
I had a customer where we had installed Veeam backup and configured it to take backup of a SQL server,after some days the customer contacted med, that one of the log drives on the SQL was running full. The backup job was running with no errors and in job could we see that it had…
Windows machines loses default gateway
I had a customer call me, that after they updated there ESXi hosts with patches from VMware and afterwards upgraded VMware tools on a Windows 2008 R2 server, the machine lost it's default gateway Trying to configuring it again, just resulted in the default gateway field being blank after enabling it. There where more then one…
Windows machines shows 169.254.x.x address after boot/reboot
I have had a number of Customer experiencing that when there Virtual Windows Machines reboots or are booted, they may come up with an APIPA address (169.254.x.x) this is due to a problem with Cisco switches. But here is a solution that is described in a VMware KB: KB1028373
Intel E5-2600 V2 CPUs and Virtualization
There is a bug in the Intel E5-2600 V2 CPUs when running a virtualized environemt ontop of servers runnings this type of CPUs, that can resolve in Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) og Kernel Panic in Linux Virtual Machines, this not apply to VMware vSphere but also to Hyper-V and other hypervisor. There may also be other Intel E5-xx00 V2…