Category: Snapshot

ESXi 5.5 Express Patch 8 and ESXi 6.0 Express Patch 3 are Released

There have been some serious problems with the latest updates from VMware. ESXi 5.5 Update 3 there was a problem with deletion of snapshots: KB2133118 ESXi 6.0 Update 1 and earlier has a problem with network disconnection: KB2124669 This problems are solved with this new releases. ESXi 5.5 Update 3a (EP8) release notes can be found here: ESXi 5.5…

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By Allan Kjaer October 6, 2015 0

Cancel Remove Snapshot Task

* Disclamer: I'm not sure this is supported by VMware, and requires a deep knowledge of how VMware snapshots works, and this can vary in different versions. I had a customer contacting me that they had a problem. They had shutdown a Virtual Machine because it had a huge snapshot ~1.7 TB, and afterwards they had…

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By Allan Kjaer December 18, 2014 2