Storage vMotion Error “SYMC-FULL” method is disabled
I had a customer getting this error when trying to Storage vMotion a virtual machine.

This is due to Symatec BackupExec has failed to reverse this setting on the VM after backup of it.
VMware has a KB on how to resolve this, but this do not have a solution for vCenter Server Appliance 6.0 (vCSA 6.0).
And instead of make modification directly to the Database, I wonder if there was a way of doing this thru PowerCLI. I then remembered reading a blog by William Lam about how to disable/enable vMotion Method on an VM, see the article here:
I download the script from here:
There is an script here that also can be used:
Then i modified the script in the sample section: ### Sample Usage of Enable/Disable functions ### $vc_server = "<vCenter server name/IP" $vc_username = "administrator@vsphere.local" $vc_password = "<Password>" $vm_name = "<VM name>" $method_name = "RelocateVM_Task" # Connect to vCenter Server $server = Connect-VIServer -Server $vc_server -User $vc_username -Password $vc_password $vm = Get-VM -Name $vm_name $vm_moref = (Get-View $vm).MoRef.Value #Disable-vSphereMethod -vc_server $vc_server -vc_username $vc_username -vc_password $vc_password -vmmoref $vm_moref -disable_method $method_name #Enable-vSphereMethod -vc_server $vc_server -vc_username $vc_username -vc_password $vc_password -vmmoref $vm_moref -enable_method Enable-vSphereMethod -vc_server $vc_server -vc_username $vc_username -vc_password $vc_password -vmmoref $vm_moref -enable_method $method_name # Disconnect from vCenter Server Disconnect-viserver $server -confirm:$false
This fixed the problem for my customer.
Using this script and method is at your own risk.