ESXi Embedded Host Client v5
VMware updated the ESXi Embedded Host Client Fling to version 5. Here is the change log for this version: New Updates in 5.0 Host Improvements to performance monitoring UI, resize dragger, tooltip behavior VM Export VM support (basic) Experimental IT/ES keyboard support for in-browser console Fixed some major issues with storage controller manipulation (adding/removing controllers, assigning…
Error Installing VMRC 8.0 on Windows 10
While trying to install VMware’s VMRC 8.0 on Microsoft Windows 10 the installation fails with error “Failed to install hcmon driver”. The solution is to start the installer from an elevated command prompt "Run as Administrator", and then run the MSI packages from here.
ESXi Embedded Host Client v4
VMware updated the ESXi Embedded Host Client Fling to version 4. Here is the change log for this version, and older: New Updates in 4.0 Host Ability to change host acceptance level Ability to edit lock down exception users Ability to edit system swap settings VM VM list has been optimized for performance, reducing data download…
Problem with the vSphere Web Client Integration Plug-In
Today I was installing a VMware vCSA 6.0 update 1, and making a vCenter Update Manager server (Windows) and installed Google Chrome to use with the vSphere Web Client. After the installation i used Chrome to login to the vSphere Web Client and on the login screen i downloaded the Client Integration Plug-In, and installed it. Afterwards could…
vCenter 5.5 Update 3a Released
VMware has released vCenter 5.5 Update 3a, this fixes the problem with vSphere Web Client integration plugin and Google Chrome. See the release notes here:
vSphere Web Client and Google Chrome
There have been some issues getting the vSphere Web Client and vSphere Client Integration Plugin to work, can not launch the vCSA 6.0 / 6.0 Update installer, or use the "Windows session authentication" check box, mount local ISO file, import OVA/OVF, and more. VMware has an KB on this: KB2114800 The solution did not work. I had this…
ESXi Embedded Host Client
VMware has released a new Fling, this enables a HTML5 web client for there ESXi 5.5 update 3 (not released yet) and 6.0. This is like the old style web interface tor the old ESX 2.x. It is installed as e VIB, on the hosts, and do not require a reboot. This would be vary nice for VMware…
Project Onyx, now also for vSphere Web Client 6.0
VMware har posted a new Fling on the VMware Labs site, ONYX for vSphere Web Client 6.0. you can find it here: Before usage, read this statement from the documentation: WARNING: This fling replaces core Web Client files and may cause issues with stability and patching of future versions of the web client, please only continue…
New version of vSphere Web Client PowerShell Action plugin
There is a new version of the VMware vSphere Web Client PowerAction plugin 1.5, this new version supports vSphere 6.0, PowerCLI 6.0 and .Net 4.5. If you already using the old version 1.0, you have to uninstall this first, and move the scripts to a new location. This can be found on VMware Flings: I have…